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10. Our mission has shifted and we are relying more on outsourced services. Our staff capabilities do not match our needs for good collaboration, oversight and negotiation skills. What is the most efficient way to address this mismatch?

TitleShort Description
Advanced Succession Planning: Next Generation Practices for Ensuring Your Organization's FutureThis article offers methods and tools to integrate succession planning into workforce planning.
American Society for Training and Development (ASTD)The American Society for Training and Development is the most prominent of the professional organizations for continuous learning information. It is also a source of information about on-line or e-learning.
Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Human Resource Activities (in process)This benchmarking study identifies gaps and best practices of state Department of Transportation human resources (HR) activities. It includes an online survey and in depth interviews on this topic. The study also reports on states' experiences with outsourcing HR functions and the relationship of HR system functionality to meeting strategic human resources and workforce goals.
ASTD Workplace Learning and Performance ScorecardThe American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) developed a scorecard tool that facilitates online real-time benchmarking and decision support. The tool is available in three levels of use: State of the Industry(Free)Requires data input on a small set of indicators, allows reporting based on which metrics you supply; WLP Scorecard(Subscription), which allows full access to WLP Scorecard reports including customization by type and size of organization, trend reporting and WLP Index Reports; and ASTD Benchmarking Forum, which features access to organization level data for Forum member organizations.
Background and History of the Capital Projects Skill Development ProgramThe California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has begun a three-year skill development plan for its ~10,900 Capital Project employees. It used a four-phase process to develop the plan: (1) Need Identification, (2) Need Quantification, (3) Plan to Meet Needs, and (4) Implementation Plan.
Building a Scalable Human Capital InfrastructureThe past decade has seen an explosion in the need for knowledge workers, together with a seismic shift in the emergence of a new segment in the human capital continuum, that of the project professional. The shortage of in-house resources and/or tight development timeframes often leads to the need to supplement one's own staff with experienced outside experts who can seamlessly integrate into an existing team to add value immediately. This article talks about the benefits of using project professionals, and how to manage them.
Building a Synergistic and Cohesive Management and Operating Team, Light Rail: Investment for the FutureThis report recommends a synergistic team building approach for use in Light Rail start-ups that could be applied to design-build and operations staff involved in transportation project development and operations.
Building Professional Capacity in Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)This report supplies documentation and analysis of training and education needs in support of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) deployment. The report addresses the three critical questions of who are the essential personnel working on ITS, what do these professionals (existing and new hires) need to know, and how are the knowledge and skills best learned?
Competency-Based Human Resource ManagementCompetencies are characteristics individuals have and use to achieve desired performance. This book includes competency-based approaches to recruitment and selection, training, and performance management.
Developing Tomorrow's Transportation WorkforceThis article discusses what challenges policy-makers and program managers face in ensuring that the current and future transportation workforce has the skills and knowledge it needs to be effective, and how to handle these challenges.
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