Title | Short Description |
Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Human Resource Activities (in process) | This benchmarking study identifies gaps and best practices of state Department of Transportation human resources (HR) activities. It includes an online survey and in depth interviews on this topic. The study also reports on states' experiences with outsourcing HR functions and the relationship of HR system functionality to meeting strategic human resources and workforce goals. |
Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Recruitment and Hiring Practices | This study presents the analysis and synthesis of successful practices in recruiting and hiring among public and private sector transportation and other related industry organizations. The goal of the study is to supply state Department of Transportation human resource professionals with working tools to enhance the effectiveness of current efforts to attract and hire the best qualified entry and mid-career level employees. |
Best Practices in Recruiting and Retaining Talented Staff | This paper describes survey results of best practices in recruiting and retention amongst Certified Public Accountant firms. |
Building a Scalable Human Capital Infrastructure | The past decade has seen an explosion in the need for knowledge workers, together with a seismic shift in the emergence of a new segment in the human capital continuum, that of the project professional. The shortage of in-house resources and/or tight development timeframes often leads to the need to supplement one's own staff with experienced outside experts who can seamlessly integrate into an existing team to add value immediately. This article talks about the benefits of using project professionals, and how to manage them. |
Building a World-Class Workforce: Two case studies | Diversity is a critical element of a world-class workforce, but its recruitment and retention is a challenge. This report offers two case studies of how companies are innovating recruitment and retention strategies to ensure a skilled, motivated, and diverse workforce. |
Competency-Based Human Resource Management | Competencies are characteristics individuals have and use to achieve desired performance. This book includes competency-based approaches to recruitment and selection, training, and performance management. |
Corporate Culture as the Driver of Transit Leadership Practices, | This study identifies innovative approaches in agencies using corporate culture as the analytical framework driving agency practices, techniques, and strategies for recruiting and retaining transit leadership. A combination of a literature review, survey of transit agencies, and case study development was used to create the framework. |
Deloitte | Deloitte is a private consulting company offering a vast amount of research, case studies, and articles on workforce issues, in addition to providing consulting services. Deloitte's published data covers a range of workforce issues from dealing with the retiring workforce to strategies for recruitment and retention. |
Developing Transportation Agency Leaders: A Synthesis of Highway Practice | The report focuses on leadership development approaches in state Departments of Transportation (DOTs). It reports on retirement, retention and succession planning efforts in DOTs to develop and maintain effective leaders. |
Development Dimensions International (DDI) Product Suite | Development Dimensions International (DDI) is a private company focusing on workforce development. The DDI Product Suite provides a series of solutions and products addressing various aspects of workforce development. The website also provides podcasts and webinars on leading human resources trends. |