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TitleIdaho State Employee Compensation Report & Recommendations, FY 2007
ShortDescriptionThis annual report to the governor on state employee compensation and benefits points to the fact that state employee salaries are significantly below market, makes the case for making up this deficit, advocates pay for performance, notes the state's competitive healthcare and retirement benefits package, and makes major recommendations for their fiscal impact.
LongDescriptionThe Idaho Code requires the Division of Human Resources Administrator to conduct or approve salary and benefits surveys, compare state wages and benefits to average labor market rates within the public and private sectors, report changes in the cost of living, report anticipated adjustments in the average weekly wage in the state of Idaho, and recommend changes in salaries and benefits, together with their estimated costs of implementation. The FY2007 report shows that state employee compensation has fallen significantly below market wage and presents numbers to prove this. In addition, this gap varies based by state agency. Some are as low as 25% below market, others are slightly above market. Actual classifications range from 50% below market to 20% above market. The report argues that in a constantly changing and advancing labor market, this variance must be addressed and advocates pay for performance. Idaho's benefit package is competitive, but does not exceed the market average packages at anywhere near the levels required to compensate for the low base salaries and lack of funding for salary advancement. Base pay and benefits are currently out of proportion in terms of a total compensation strategic approach. The report includes recommendations, and the fiscal impact of implementing these. These recommendations include: increase the salary structure pay ranges so the midpoint is, on average, within 95% of market next year, and at market within three years, increase the number of pay ranges, budget to fund merit increase and market equity adjustments, appropriate more funds to those agencies below market, implement a merit increase matrix that delivers greater increases to the best performers, incorporate the salary budget increase as a part of the agency budget development process, fully fund the health insurance cost increase, cover employees from the first of the month after hire, and revise Idaho Code to reflect learning on employee compensation and benefits. The implementation plan provides strategies for year one, two, three, four, and five, and a five and ten year salary structure plan. The report includes the following sections: Executive Summary, Purpose, Salary Increases Compared to Market Activity, Pay for Performance, Benefits, Summary and Recommendations, and Implementation Plan.
SourceAuthorIdaho Division of Human Resources: Ann Heilman, Administrator Jay Anderson, State Compensation Manager
OrganizationIdaho Division of Human Resources

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