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TitleIdaho State Compensation Plan Audit (Project #1)
ShortDescriptionThe 12/1/05 Idaho State Employee Compensation Report and Recommendations showed that state employee compensation lagged significantly behind market levels, and laid out a plan for recovering from this deficiency. The actions implemented, however, caused many problems, including some job pay ranges being decreased which was contrary to the central message. This audit studied the problems with the implementation plan, and makes recommendations for addressing these problems while maintaining the progress that the report created.
LongDescriptionThe 12/1/05 Idaho State Employee Compensation Report and Recommendations resulted in two pieces of legislation that charged the Department of Human Resources (DHR) with making changes to the compensation plan in order to revise the current salary and grade structure, increase the number of pay grades., have the pay grade for a position based on a combination of 'Hay Points' and 'Market Points', address geographical pay differential, and develop compensation plan rules, guidelines, and processes for implementation. Rules were developed and promulgated to agencies for review. The amount of feedback from the agencies indicated that there was a significant amount of concern about the new plan. The Hay Group was charged with conducting an audit of the changes made to the compensation plan. This report presents the results of this audit.
SourceAuthorThe Hay Group, 2006
OrganizationThe Hay Group

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