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ShortDescriptionDeveloped in collaboration with the Center for Creative Leadership®, EdgeWork® has participants assume managerial positions in two corporations that have very different organizational cultures, but are also partners in supplying an innovative technology to a specific industry. One company is a small research and development organization driven by humanitarian concerns and the desire to advance science. The other is a large profit-driven business operation. Discovery Learning's EdgeWork® Business Simulation tool goes beyond individual and role-level tensions and conflicts, generating these issues on a group level. Groups are drawn to work on key challenges related to more effective ways of talking, thinking, deciding, and taking action together. EdgeWork® is a simulation of dynamic relationships, trade-offs, and conflicts that naturally occur whenever people work together in an organization.
LongDescriptionThis business simulation helps participants explore personal and group responses to changes in boundaries, identity, perspectives and values. It explores the conflict of investing for long-term growth versus maximizing profits now and also explores the values of bringing conflict into the open versus seeking harmony and agreement. It can help work groups identify difficult issues that may be limiting their performance, increase sensitivity to diversity and identity, call attention to changing perspectives and values, create opportunities to explore alternatives to traditional organizational relationships, confront participants with a rapidly changing environment that demands reassessment of fluid boundaries, and understand the uses and effects of influence, power and conflict.
OrganizationDiscovery Learning, Inc. and the Center for Creative Leadership
ContactPhone(336) 272 9530
ToolCostSupply Kit (materials for 24 participants) $1,800, Facilitator Guide $150.00, Starter Kit (materials for 24 participants & Facilitator Guide) $1,900.

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