Title | Short Description |
Advanced Succession Planning: Next Generation Practices for Ensuring Your Organization's Future | This article offers methods and tools to integrate succession planning into workforce planning. |
Growing the New Business Leader | This report provides models for succession planning to develop leaders who can address changing business needs. |
Lominger Architecture Suite | Lominger is an international research and consulting company focusing on workforce development. The Lominger Architecture Suite uses a series of defined competencies to manage and engage the current workforce, assess the current workforce status, and plan for future workforce development and needs. |
Personnel Decisions International (PDI) Architecture Suite | Personnel Decisions International (PDI) is a global human resources consulting firm with expertise in building leadership talent. PDI offers a Talent Architecture Suite which promotes the use of a Talent Management Framework to create a competitive edge. The suite consists of several tools to manage and analyze workforce talent. |
State of California Information Technology Workforce Improvement Program | A high-quality information technology (IT) program can be sustained only if it is supported and managed by a high-quality IT workforce. The state of California Information Technology Workforce Improvement Program and Initiative are working to achieve a high-quality IT workforce through efforts to improve and update the state's hiring process for IT professionals, develop its IT leaders and managers, and ensure that compensation is competitive. |
State of California Workforce Planning Model | In the past, human resource needs of the workplace have largely been met in a reactive mode, position by position, vacancy by vacancy. That approach will no longer suffice as we plan for the huge wave of retirements within the next five years. It is imperative that the state departments take a strategic approach to workforce planning now! This document provides a model for how to approach this issue. |
Succession Planning Without Tears | This report provides succession planning examples and methods for developing internal talent for leadership roles. |
Succession Planning: Building Leadership Capacity | This resource is an executive-level succession-planning program to develop and/or externally recruit employees to support targeted leadership positions across the Department of Transportation. |
Succession Planning: Determining VDOT's Professional Needs for the 21st Century | This report focuses on the development of a succession planning program for the Virginia Department of Transportation, and the exercises undertaken to do this. The resulting recommendations are grouped under four basic objectives: (a) increase the quantity and quality of new transportation professionals, (b) improve the retention rate, (c) improve career opportunities, and (d) determine the extent of near-term employee shortages. |
Talent Management: From Hire to Retire | This article addresses what talent management is, the challenges of doing it effectively, and why human resource leaders and senior management need to manage talent while addressing current workforce trends and issues. |