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2.2.2 Competencies and Education

Competencies and Education - Competencies are usually defined as the skills, knowledges, abilities, and behaviors needed to perform a function or a job successfully. The most common use of competencies right now is to use them as the basis for developing education and training programs to assure that employees have the skills, knowledges, abilities and behaviors needed for successful performance.

TitleShort Description
Analysis and Benchmarking of State DOT Human Resource Activities (in process)This benchmarking study identifies gaps and best practices of state Department of Transportation human resources (HR) activities. It includes an online survey and in depth interviews on this topic. The study also reports on states' experiences with outsourcing HR functions and the relationship of HR system functionality to meeting strategic human resources and workforce goals.
ASTD Competencies StudyThere are many studies available that examine the competencies needed for successful performance in the learning organization. Among the very best is this work on competencies from the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD). There is substantial additional information on the subject at ASTD's website. The website link takes the reader directly to the competency study. Access to this part of the website requires membership in ASTD.
Competency Model for Human Resources ProfessionalsThis report provides a strategy for public sector human resource professionals to transform the human resources (HR) function to meet changing organizational requirements and expectations. It also provides users with an implementation strategy and marketing approach for integrating HR values into the organization's culture and goals.
Competency-Based Human Resource ManagementCompetencies are characteristics individuals have and use to achieve desired performance. This book includes competency-based approaches to recruitment and selection, training, and performance management.
Developing Tomorrow's Transportation WorkforceThis article discusses what challenges policy-makers and program managers face in ensuring that the current and future transportation workforce has the skills and knowledge it needs to be effective, and how to handle these challenges.
Emotional & Social Competency Inventory (ESCI) and the Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI)The ESCI and ECI provide test-takers with a score of their emotional intelligence along with ways to improve in areas they are weak in. The tests also include feedback from others (managers, peers, direct reports) to give a fully rounded picture for the individual.
ERI System: Job Candidate Work Behavior Skills AssessmentThe ERI System scores a job candidate in seven work behavior skills areas and predicts the likelihood of reliable and productive work behavior.
Executive Core QualificationsThe Executive Core Qualifications describe the leadership skills needed to succeed in career and non-career senior executive positions in the federal government. They also reinforce the concept of a senior executive corporate culture.
International Personnel Management Association (IPMA)The International Personnel Management Association (IPMA) provides access to a wide variety of human resources workforce tools and assessment methods from around the world. Its research is deemed excellent. IPMA has been particularly successful in identifying competencies of human resources positions and functions.
Latest Competency Study Defines New HR RolesThis is a report on the 2007 Human Resource (HR) Competency Study designed to identify major competencies that HR professionals need, and to track the major trends in the HR field. This report emphasizes that changing organizational needs require HR managers to more actively position themselves in organizations, and involve themselves in strategic planning.
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