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2.4.1 Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal - This category is focused on the actual assessment of performance. It includes the legal requirements as well as a variety of practices and procedures in how to conduct the performance appraisal successfully.

TitleShort Description
Addressing & Resolving Poor Performance: A Guide for SupervisorsThe purpose of this booklet is to help federal supervisors address and resolve poor performance.
ASTD Workplace Learning and Performance ScorecardThe American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) developed a scorecard tool that facilitates online real-time benchmarking and decision support. The tool is available in three levels of use: State of the Industry(Free)Requires data input on a small set of indicators, allows reporting based on which metrics you supply; WLP Scorecard(Subscription), which allows full access to WLP Scorecard reports including customization by type and size of organization, trend reporting and WLP Index Reports; and ASTD Benchmarking Forum, which features access to organization level data for Forum member organizations.
Building a Scalable Human Capital InfrastructureThe past decade has seen an explosion in the need for knowledge workers, together with a seismic shift in the emergence of a new segment in the human capital continuum, that of the project professional. The shortage of in-house resources and/or tight development timeframes often leads to the need to supplement one's own staff with experienced outside experts who can seamlessly integrate into an existing team to add value immediately. This article talks about the benefits of using project professionals, and how to manage them.
Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS)The Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS) measures self-reported vocational interests and skills. Similar to traditional interest inventories, the CISS interest scales reflect an individual's attraction for specific occupational areas. However, the CISS instrument goes beyond traditional inventories by adding parallel skill scales that provide estimates of an individual's confidence in his or her ability to perform various occupational activities.
Cognos 8 Workforce PerformanceThe Cognos 8 Workforce Performance tool is a configurable analytical application that offers several measures and workforce-related attributes to support workforce reporting and analysis.
Competency-Based Human Resource ManagementCompetencies are characteristics individuals have and use to achieve desired performance. This book includes competency-based approaches to recruitment and selection, training, and performance management.
Discovery 360° SeriesDiscovery Learning's Discovery 360 Series™ is a series of 360° leadership assessments developed for general business managers, Educators, Public Health managers and Public Sector managers. These tools help to identify perception gaps between self and others, create a plan for addressing leadership development needs, track progress, and assess the specific competencies required in your business sector. Discovery Leadership Profile™: A 360° leadership assessment tool providing leaders and managers with feedback on how their specific management practices are perceived by others.
International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of its members in more than 40 countries throughout the world and advocate the use of human performance technology. ISPI's annual conference and exposition, additional educational events, publishing of books and periodicals, and support of research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving its mission.
KEYS® to CreativityKEYS is an organizational survey from the Center for Creative Leadership that assesses the climate for creativity and innovation that exists in a work group, division or organization. It measures specific management practices that impact the work environment.
Lominger Architecture SuiteLominger is an international research and consulting company focusing on workforce development. The Lominger Architecture Suite uses a series of defined competencies to manage and engage the current workforce, assess the current workforce status, and plan for future workforce development and needs.
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