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Strategic workforce planning - Assess our situation

This section addresses tools and methods for conducting readiness assessments for strategic workforce planning, developing strategic workforce.

TitleShort Description
Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS)The Campbell Interest and Skill Survey (CISS) measures self-reported vocational interests and skills. Similar to traditional interest inventories, the CISS interest scales reflect an individual's attraction for specific occupational areas. However, the CISS instrument goes beyond traditional inventories by adding parallel skill scales that provide estimates of an individual's confidence in his or her ability to perform various occupational activities.
Center for Creative Leadership Assessment SuiteThe Center for Creative Leadership (CCL) Assessment Suite systematically collects opinions about a manager's performance from peers, direct reports, the boss, the boss's peers, or people outside the organization. The tool includes four research-based 360-degree instruments with a consistent reporting format to help organizations create a common leadership language and consistent feedback process at multiple levels through the company.
Change Style IndicatorThis tool from Discovery Learning is a change management assessment designed to measure preferred styles in approaching and dealing with change.
EdgeWork®Developed in collaboration with the Center for Creative Leadership®, EdgeWork® has participants assume managerial positions in two corporations that have very different organizational cultures, but are also partners in supplying an innovative technology to a specific industry. One company is a small research and development organization driven by humanitarian concerns and the desire to advance science. The other is a large profit-driven business operation. Discovery Learning's EdgeWork® Business Simulation tool goes beyond individual and role-level tensions and conflicts, generating these issues on a group level. Groups are drawn to work on key challenges related to more effective ways of talking, thinking, deciding, and taking action together. EdgeWork® is a simulation of dynamic relationships, trade-offs, and conflicts that naturally occur whenever people work together in an organization.
International Public Management Association for Human Resources(IPMA-HR) Job Analysis ServiceIPMA-HR is an organization that represents the interests of human resource professionals at the Federal, State and Local levels of government. The company's goal is to provide information and assistance to help HR professionals increase their job performance and overall agency function by providing cost-effective products, services and educational opportunities.
KEYS® to CreativityKEYS is an organizational survey from the Center for Creative Leadership that assesses the climate for creativity and innovation that exists in a work group, division or organization. It measures specific management practices that impact the work environment.
Managing Change in State Departments of Transportation: Innovations in Workforce Strategies (Scan 5 of 8)Workforce and organizational issues are a major focus in many state Departments of Transportation (DOT) today. A National Cooperative Highway Research Program project was undertaken to collate the innovative workforce strategies in place at various state DOTs. The link is an online compilation of the links, research, and interview material collected while creating the report.
Monitoring the Pulse of Employees, Pennsylvania DOT Employee RetentionThe Pennsylvania Department of Transportation uses ongoing internal surveys to monitor and improve their workforce condition, satisfaction, and engagement. Surveys were initiated in 1992. Since then, survey tools and utility have grown significantly.
NASA: Balancing a Multisector Workforce to Achieve a Healthy Organization The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is experiencing a fundamental mission shift that greatly increases its scope. In order to respond to this mission change while remaining within its workforce and budgetary constraints, NASA has realized that it must develop a flexible, scalable workforce. To assist NASA in this significant mission expansion and workforce organization change, the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) was charged with conducting an independent review of the workforce issues associated with a transformation of this magnitude. Three specific issues addressed were what is a healthy center, and how should NASA measure it, how should NASA decide whether to obtain services from a contractor or a civil service employee, and if NASA decides to hire a civil servant, how should it decide what kind of appointment to use? The report contains NAPA's findings and recommendations.
Seven Steps of Effective Workforce PlanningThis report introduces the Seven-Step Workforce Planning Model, a framework for understanding the basic elements of workforce planning. The report walks the reader through the steps involved in workforce planning by analyzing the cases of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Maryland State Highway Administration. It acts as a guide to defining the organization's strategic direction by identifying current and future workforce needs, determining gaps, implementing strategies to close these gaps, and monitoring, evaluating, and revising the gap-closing strategies.
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