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Employee conflicts and performance issues- Understand issues and trends

This section addresses the issues and trends associated with employee conflicts and performance issues which include causes of employee conflicts and performance issues, techniques for identifying and reducing these events in the workplace, violence in the workforce, and how the most effective organizations establish cultures and values which reduce the likelihood of employee conflicts and performance issues.

TitleShort Description
Beyond Generation X: A Practical Guide for ManagersBeyond Generation X: A Practical Guide for Managers is a guide to understanding, successfully managing, and motivating Generation X'ers.
Building a Scalable Human Capital InfrastructureThe past decade has seen an explosion in the need for knowledge workers, together with a seismic shift in the emergence of a new segment in the human capital continuum, that of the project professional. The shortage of in-house resources and/or tight development timeframes often leads to the need to supplement one's own staff with experienced outside experts who can seamlessly integrate into an existing team to add value immediately. This article talks about the benefits of using project professionals, and how to manage them.
Competency-Based Human Resource ManagementCompetencies are characteristics individuals have and use to achieve desired performance. This book includes competency-based approaches to recruitment and selection, training, and performance management.
International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI)Founded in 1962, the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) is the leading international association dedicated to improving productivity and performance in the workplace. ISPI's mission is to develop and recognize the proficiency of its members in more than 40 countries throughout the world and advocate the use of human performance technology. ISPI's annual conference and exposition, additional educational events, publishing of books and periodicals, and support of research are some of the ways ISPI works toward achieving its mission.
Model Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan Becomes State MandateThis is a study of how the Florida Department of Transportation revamped their employee job classification and compensation system, resulting in a streamlining and simplification of the recruitment and management processes. A model plan was developed to aid in matching the right people to the right jobs, and allowing managers the flexibility to pay for performance.
Practices in Assuring Employee AvailabilityThis report explores the various actions transit agencies (and other employers) have taken to help ensure the availability of quality employees in an increasingly competitive employment environment, including a discussion on controlling absenteeism.
Resolve Conflict, Boost CreativityInfusing creativity, innovation, and passion into the workplace has been a driving goal of organizations, however, the fuel that feeds these mandates inevitably produces conflict. This article talks about how organizations can manage conflict while benefiting from creativity.
Seven Steps of Effective Workforce PlanningThis report introduces the Seven-Step Workforce Planning Model, a framework for understanding the basic elements of workforce planning. The report walks the reader through the steps involved in workforce planning by analyzing the cases of the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Maryland State Highway Administration. It acts as a guide to defining the organization's strategic direction by identifying current and future workforce needs, determining gaps, implementing strategies to close these gaps, and monitoring, evaluating, and revising the gap-closing strategies.
Strategic HR Management: HR's Role in Building a Culture of InnovationThe article outlines how human resources departments can create and support a culture of innovation through recruitment, talent management, knowledge management, and communications activities.
US General Accounting Office (GAO)The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) is the U.S. government's auditor. It provides reports on agency and program performance. It is an excellence source of information on human capital management, organizational and individual performance management, metrics, and similar topics.
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