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Employee conflicts and performance issues - Implement programs, policies, procedures

This section addresses strategies and tactics for implementing programs, policies and procedures related to employee conflicts and performance issues and includes how to establish a workplace which minimizes employee conflicts and performance issues, employee assistance programs, performance management training for raters and reviews, alternative dispute resolution, discipline and removal, violence prevention and how to recover if workplace violence does occur.

TitleShort Description
Addressing & Resolving Poor Performance: A Guide for SupervisorsThe purpose of this booklet is to help federal supervisors address and resolve poor performance.
Beyond Generation X: A Practical Guide for ManagersBeyond Generation X: A Practical Guide for Managers is a guide to understanding, successfully managing, and motivating Generation X'ers.
Competency-Based Human Resource ManagementCompetencies are characteristics individuals have and use to achieve desired performance. This book includes competency-based approaches to recruitment and selection, training, and performance management.
Lominger Architecture SuiteLominger is an international research and consulting company focusing on workforce development. The Lominger Architecture Suite uses a series of defined competencies to manage and engage the current workforce, assess the current workforce status, and plan for future workforce development and needs.
Maine Workplace Respect Project: Changing a Work CultureThe Maine Workplace Respect Project was developed to address complaints and grievances related to co-worker behavior and low levels of workplace respect.
Model Personnel Classification and Compensation Plan Becomes State MandateThis is a study of how the Florida Department of Transportation revamped their employee job classification and compensation system, resulting in a streamlining and simplification of the recruitment and management processes. A model plan was developed to aid in matching the right people to the right jobs, and allowing managers the flexibility to pay for performance.
Personnel Decisions International (PDI) Architecture SuitePersonnel Decisions International (PDI) is a global human resources consulting firm with expertise in building leadership talent. PDI offers a Talent Architecture Suite which promotes the use of a Talent Management Framework to create a competitive edge. The suite consists of several tools to manage and analyze workforce talent.
Practices in Assuring Employee AvailabilityThis report explores the various actions transit agencies (and other employers) have taken to help ensure the availability of quality employees in an increasingly competitive employment environment, including a discussion on controlling absenteeism.
Pre-Employment and New Employee Testing and AssessmentA guide on using tests to assess the competency and skills of existing or potential employees.
Resolve Conflict, Boost CreativityInfusing creativity, innovation, and passion into the workplace has been a driving goal of organizations, however, the fuel that feeds these mandates inevitably produces conflict. This article talks about how organizations can manage conflict while benefiting from creativity.
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